Location: Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club, located approximately 25 miles northwest of Richmond Virginia, in Hanover County off Route 610 on Boondock Lane next to the Louisa County Line. The match is held on range 5. Directions at the end of the next page.
2025 Match Schedule:
- January 25
- March 22
- May 24
- September 27
- November 22
Starting Time: Match begins at 9:00 am. Registration and squadding start at 0800.
Electronic targets are being used. Bring a tablet or suitable electronic device.
Rules: NRA rules and NRA classification will apply. Rifles Allowed: Service Rifles rule 3.1 (a) through (e), NRA Match rifles (metallic sights and any sight) rule 3.3.
Course of fire: 200 yard reduced National Match course.
Targets and scoring sheets are supplied.
1. Offhand slow fire, 2 sighters then 20 rounds in 20 minutes.Target: SR
2. Rapid Fire Sitting, 2 sighters then 2 strings of 10 rounds in 60
seconds per string. Target: SR
3. Rapid Fire Prone, 2 sighters then 2 strings of 10 rounds in 70
seconds per string. Target: SR-42 (300 yards reduced to 200 yards)
4. Slow Fire Prone, 2 sighters then 20 rounds in 20 minutes.
Target: MR-52 (600 yards reduced to 200 yards)
Awards: Cash awards determined by the number of competitors.
Entry Fee: $30.00 non-members, $25.00 Cavalier members. No advanced entry is necessary, but advanced registration by email is encouraged. We are limited to 35 participants that are not members of Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club.
Email will suffice for entry registration.
Match Director: Jamie Jacoby Email: cavalierhighpower@gmail.com
** Please observe the 10 mph speed limit on Boondock Lane and the range road. **
Supplemental Material:
Gear Required:
- Rifle - Per the NRA Highpower Rifle rules referenced above. Service Rifle under Rule 3.1 or Match Rifle, usually .308Win, 30/06, .223Rem / 5.56X45mm. Any questions please email the Match Director.
- Rifles MUST be capable of 10 shot rapid fire string with 1 clip/magazine change.
- Rifle should have a sling but not required. Muzzle Brakes and suppressors are not allowed.
- Ammunition - Bring 90-100.
- At least 2 magazine or clips (4 is better), must hold 5 or more rounds.
- ECI (empty chamber indicator) or OBI (open bolt indicator). The match director has extras.
- Eye & Ear Protection.
- Tablet or cell phone capable of wifi – we are using electronic targets
Gear Recommended:
- Shooting Mat - A piece of carpet will work.
- Clip Board / Pen
- WATER and light snacks or lunch
NRA membership number should be brought or known if you are a NRA member. Firing points are paved and roofed. NRA Membership is NOT required to compete. Competitors whom are not Cavalier members are welcome to shoot in the match, however this does NOT allow them the use of Cavalier facilities other than participating in the match.
Directions from I64:
Take exit 167, take route 617 north, take 3rd left onto 617, 617 will merge with 611, bear right and continue on 617. At stop sign you will see a store (3 way stop), turn left onto 617. 617 dead ends at 610, turn left and follow 610 until you pass Hopeful Church. Turn left on Boondock lane just before you get to the Louisa Co. line.
Directions from Ashland:
Take R54 to Montpelier (Route 33). Turn right. go west on R33 for a short distance, turn left on 610. Stay on 610 until you pass Hopeful Church. Turn left onto Boondock Lane.
Directions from Harrisonburg:
Take R33 to 664. Turn right onto 664. It is called Hopeful Church Road.
Follow 664 until you hit 610 at Hopeful Church. Turn right onto 610 west, then left onto Boondock Lane.
Once inside the Cavalier gate, turn right at the fork, and proceed to range cover on range 5.