Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club is a private gun club. Membership limits are set by the Board of Directors. At the current time there is a 2+ year waiting list for membership.
Membership is on an individual basis. All persons interested in become a member of the club must be citizens of the United States, 18 years or older, and complete a membership application provided by a current member willing to sponsor the applicant, and have sponsoring member submit the completed, signed application to the Secretary of the club. Membership applications are not available online. Interested individuals can obtain a membership application from any current member. All membership applications must be co-signed by a current club member.
Memberships applications are reviewed on annually after January of each year. The Board will decide which applicants will receive invitations to join the club. Selected applicants will be notified by email with a specific invitation for orientation. Invitations are currently extended in March through April of each year. After completion of safety and range rule orientation, payment of club dues and initiation fees, new club members will be provide the means to access the club property.
Persons interested in joining are encouraged to attend one of the many public events at the club. At the event, introduce yourself to the match director and other participants. Participation in organized, public events will help the interested applicant find a willing supporter and co-signer of their application.
If you want additional information regarding membership, please use the contact form and submit your question.