Public Matches
Matches open to the public.Match | Description |
Conventional High Power | Reduced course 200-yard Conventional Highpower Rifle |
Mid-Range High Power Match | Mid-Range High power Match |
Cowboy Action Shooting | Cavalier Cowboys are a SASS affiliated club. Matches are held on the 1st Sunday or each month and on the 2nd Wednesday, March through December. |
High Power Rifle Silhouette | NRA approved match shot on range 5. Held the first Saturday of each month: April - October. |
Hunter's Pistol - Cowboy Lever Action | Combined match shot on the 2nd Saturday of every month. |
IDPA | IDPA sanctioned match shot on the 4th Saturday. |
Small Bore Rifle Silhouette | NRA approved match shot on 3rd Saturday of each month. |
Sporting Clays | Open shoots on Thursday and Sunday of each week. |
USPSA | USPSA matches are held monthly on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Email: Chris Dye |
NRA 2700 Registered Pistol Match | NRA and VSSA sanctioned pistol match held on first Saturdays April through October, except July. |
Full Auto Match | Full auto (machine gun) match |
300 Yard Benchrest (Score) 300 Yd Benchrest | Matches on 4 Saturday, April to November. Six (6) matches per year. See calendar for specific schedule. Event calendar |
Club Matches
Matches for club members and invited guests.Match | Description |
BPCR Ram Bash | BPCR - 200 yard - Competition. Held on 1st Saturday of each month. |
Military Issue Rifle | Club Members Only. Military, as issued, rifles from prior to 1945. |
Practical Pistol | Pistol or Revolver competition from holster and various shooting positions. |
Turkey Creek Long Rifles | Flintlock Firearms (rifle, pistol, smoothbore) |
Rimfire Ram Bash | Rimfire competition at 75 yards that visually duplicates BPCR Ram Bash. |