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Public Matches

Matches open to the public.
Conventional High PowerReduced course 200-yard Conventional Highpower Rifle
Mid-Range High Power MatchMid-Range High power Match
Cowboy Action ShootingCavalier Cowboys are a SASS affiliated club. Matches are held on the 1st Sunday or each month and on the 2nd Wednesday, March through December.
High Power Rifle SilhouetteNRA approved match shot on range 5. Held the first Saturday of each month: April - October.
Hunter's Pistol - Cowboy Lever ActionCombined match shot on the 2nd Saturday of every month.
IDPAIDPA sanctioned match shot on the 4th Saturday.
Small Bore Rifle SilhouetteNRA approved match shot on 3rd Saturday of each month.
Sporting ClaysOpen shoots on Thursday and Sunday of each week.
USPSAUSPSA matches are held monthly on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Email: Chris Dye
NRA 2700 Registered Pistol MatchNRA and VSSA sanctioned pistol match held on first Saturdays April through October, except July.
Full Auto MatchFull auto (machine gun) match
300 Yard Benchrest (Score) 300 Yd BenchrestMatches on 4 Saturday, April to November. Six (6) matches per year. See calendar for specific schedule. Event calendar

Club Matches

Matches for club members and invited guests.
BPCR Ram BashBPCR - 200 yard - Competition. Held on 1st Saturday of each month.
Military Issue RifleClub Members Only. Military, as issued, rifles from prior to 1945.
Practical PistolPistol or Revolver competition from holster and various shooting positions.
Turkey Creek Long RiflesFlintlock Firearms (rifle, pistol, smoothbore)
Rimfire Ram BashRimfire competition at 75 yards that visually duplicates BPCR Ram Bash.